Frequently Asked Questions

How much does solar energy cost?
Today, solar costs less than traditional electricity in many markets, whether you choose to pay as you go or purchase the system. We offer a range of financing options, which makes going solar simple and affordable.

How will solar panels look on my roof?
In a word: fabulous. Our modern, low-profile design and premium front trim integrate elegantly into your roof. It’s a look that never goes out of style.

How does solar power work?
Our panels capture the sun’s energy, channel it through discreetly placed wires to an inverter, where it’s converted to electricity to power your home. When your solar power system produces more power than you need, it feeds the power back into the electricity grid.

What’s the environmental impact and benefit of solar energy?
It’s big: the average SolarCity solar power system will offset 178 tons of CO2 over 30 years. That’s like avoiding 390,300 miles driven, planting 10 football fields full of trees or eliminating 174,907 pounds of burned coal.

What are Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)?
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) represent the environmental benefits of an energy source and are created by state law. They can be sold in a marketplace and a buyer of RECs can use them to offset their carbon footprint.

What if I want to sell my solar home?
We get it. You might not stay in your home for the next 20 years. And that’s okay. If you move, we’ll be there to help transfer your solar power system’s contract to the new owners.

Got more questions?

Call us! (949) 885-6865


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